Setting affirmations and intentions for the new year


Here we are in 2021, with our third lockdown, which is challenging for all of us in different ways. So, let’s start the year with some positive thoughts, affirmations and intentions; let’s create positive change and wellbeing for ourselves, and those around us.


The difference between intentions and affirmations.  

Intention is a mental state that represents a commitment to carrying out an action, or actions, in the future. Whereas, an affirmation is a declaration that something is true, something you say to yourself to re-programme the mind.  

The thoughts we have and words that we use each day impact upon our health and, in turn, shape our life experiences. By actively changing how we think, and what we say, we have the power to change our lives! 


What are intentions?

An intention is a commitment to what you want your life to be like; daily, monthly, yearly and involves mental activities such as planning and forethought. 

When you are intentional about something your focus is in the moment; who you are, what you do and why you do it.

Often, we allow time to go past, allowing fate to take it’s course - like getting on a bike with no direction. Which sometimes can be great. However, imagine if you set intentions, no matter how big or small and you create your own way of being, that is personal to you, and the life you desire?

The power of intentions activate your receptivity by manifesting and attracting to you what you are actively putting out there; both in the present and the future. If you’re focusing your mind on a specific intention, you are bringing it into your focused mind, your thoughts, your heart… and, in turn, helping to bring it into your reality.


What are affirmations?

An affirmation is a short statement that you decide upon. You can have as many as you like, repeating them to yourself daily to re-programme your mind. Once you have your affirmations that will create your intention and action in the future.

It is likely that you use affirmations (mostly unconsciously) on a daily basis. Sadly, many of these are often anything but positively affirming. You may have noticed yourself saying or thinking things like - ‘I am so anxious’, ‘I am so busy’, ‘I am so overwhelmed’, ‘I have no willpower’, ‘I can’t do that’. All of which are essentially negative affirmations, and, for some reason we find it a lot easier to focus on those things we perceive to be lacking in ourselves, rather than focusing on the good. 

 Our internal dialogue is so powerful that our thoughts become our *truth* leading us to make choices and create behaviours that are in line with these beliefs. 


So how can we bring about a positive change, change our internal dialogue and imbed positive affirmations into our everyday lives?

  • Take back personal responsibility and control – we are the creators of our own truth! It may be difficult to start with but time and a little effort it will lead to serious positive changes.

  • Affirmations are proven methods of self-improvement – just as you can train your body, you can train your mind!

  • Use positive affirmations to break negative thought patterns so that you truly believe that anything is possible – even loving yourself just as you are!

I’ve experienced amazing life changes through the use of affirmations and setting my own intentions, along with term life goals - everything from my health and home to my marriage and my wedding. I have also worked with many clients facilitating them to create/set their own intentions as well as life goals. It’s truly magical to witness and an honour to be a part of.

So, why not try it? It’s a simple and fun thing to do - especially at the moment! I’m sure we could all do with a bit more positivity, inner peace & calm.


How to get started

Grab yourself a pen and paper, it’s fun time…

Begin by taking some, undisturbed, time for yourself; have a pen and a notepad, or paper, and get yourself cosy, maybe with a cup of herbal tea and some candles. Really sink into this time and create an atmosphere where you have the space to get creative, even roll out the coloured pens! Then, on separate sides/pieces of paper, I invite you to write down all the things you are grateful for, what you need to let go of and what you do want moving forward. This will lead to creating your affirmations and setting your intentions. 


Task # 1:

What are you grateful for?

Over the last 12 months, I, for one, have become even more grateful for my health, family and friends.

Take some quiet time and really think about it: your positive attributes, your best qualities, your family, your health and so on. Are you kind and thoughtful? Are you generous? Are you a hard worker? A brilliant cook? What are you grateful for from your family, friendships? Do you live somewhere you love?...

If you are struggling, think about the compliments people give you that you tend to ignore! 


Task # 2:

What do you want to let go of?

Affirmations will help you to achieve what you want now; so let’s work out what exactly those goals are! On 2 pages, write down what you want to let go of, how you want to feel, and how you want to be.

What do you want to stop doing or feeling like? What fears, if any, do you want to release? Any situations you want to let go of?

What do you want to achieve?

What would you like to create in your life? How do you want to feel and be? What words do you relate to? Think of when you have been your happiest - how did that feel and what was it like for you? If you could have anything in life, what would it be? Dream big!

Once you get into it you may find there are a lot of areas you want to work on. Choose 2-3 of the most important points to work on. You can then go back and re-evaluate later. 


Task #3:

Create your affirmations 

Now is the time to visualise your life the way you want it to be and take action!

For each of your 2-3 goals you will create a short affirmation. The wording of the affirmation is very important and must contain only positives.

For example. Take 2 phrases:

“I do not want to feel anxious” and “I am happy to not feel anxious anymore”

Both phrases say the same thing but our brain will filter the *do not* in the first phrase and just hear “I want to feel anxious” - Not exactly the aim! So start with words such as “I am”, “I can” and “I do”, positives in the present tense. To reword those examples, you could say “I am free of anxiety” “I am free to release anything that is holding me back”

You may not actually have achieved your goal at this point but talking and acting as though you have will ensure you do.

Act as though you are the person you want to be!  The mind is very powerful so infuse it with kind, positive, loving thoughts. 

Some suggestions for affirmations

Here are some affirmations you may find useful. Feel free to use any of these suggestions - however, it's very important that it’s personal to you.

  • I have a new sense of freedom

  • I am happy and healthy that my body is strong

  • I am joyful

  • I embrace change

  • I have an abundance of energy

  • I have balance in my life 


Task # 4

How to set your Intentions

Based on the above affirmations your intentions could be …

  • I feel freedom throughout my body and mind creating a sense of calm in everything that I do.

  • I am living a healthy and happy life with the strength and energy to support me.

  • I intend to live every waking minute of every day, awake and aware and in the present moment while feeling as much joy as possible.

  • I am excited to embrace change in every aspect of my life personally and professionally.


On a personal note

I want to share with you one of my personal affirmations and intentions for this year, which relate to the picture posted. I like to have a visual picture, as for me it makes it even more tangible. I also have written them down on a card that I have made, so I can see it every day.

Affirmation - I feel connected in body and mind.

Intention - I have inner strength allowing me to make significant changes in my life. 

You can do anything you put your mind to, you just need to create it and believe it!


Top Tips 

  • Practice your affirmations daily – a good time is first thing in the morning or last thing at night but the more you can repeat it the better. Perhaps set a timer for 2-5 minutes and repeat your affirmation over and over during this time. I do my affirmations when I’m in the shower or sometimes when brushing my teeth!

  • Start with your affirmations and you can then move onto the intentions. Maybe do the affirmations one day and intentions the next day, however, it might just come naturally. Keep them short. Ideally, you should be able to memorise them.

  • Ensure your affirmations are positive and focus on what you “DO” want rather than what you “DON’T”.

  • Keep affirmations in the present tense, say “I am” or “I do” rather than “I will”.

  • If you prefer just start with the affirmations on how you want to feel and you can then work up to the intentions, giving you direction to all that you do.

  • Place reminders everywhere for your affirmations and intentions – post-it notes on the fridge, on the mirror, or on your computer.

  • Keep going! Affirmations only work with repetition and time. Ideally for at least a month or until you have achieved your goal and truly believe it.

Good luck and enjoy the process!

Katie x

P.s. If you would prefer to have the space to think and need a helping hand, I would be delighted to work through your personal affirmations and intentions. This can be done in a one to one session online. Please drop me an email at to find out more. 


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